13 Mar 2011

Hungary - Halászi

The number of inhabitants in Halászi is 2,928. It is a village 5 km from Mosonmagyaróvár, on the bank of the Moson branch of the Danube. The past is symbolised in the place-name: one-time residents were suppliers of fishes for the estate in Magyaróvár. In the 16th century, the privilege of market town was obtained, later with right to use a seal. Local tradition holds that the nearby place names Salamon lane and Salamon wood retain the memory of King Salamon fighting for his throne in the 11th century, who was received by the village and donated these areas to the village, when he regained his rule. In the village centre, between two peasant houses with gable, the markedly big Baroque church is dominant.

Natural horsemanship - daily swimming in the Kis Duna River.
We were canoeing in this river and when I saw this horse
swimming in the Duna, I had to meet the owner of
this horse - amazingly enough he and his family 
became our greatest friends in Hungary.
Imre es Piri Nemeth
Riding along the Kis Duna 

Canoeing up to Dunakiliti
Time out at Imre Basci place
Chilling at the Kis Duna - Halászi
Taking advantage of the weather
Tractors trailing toboggans and tracks
Tractor skills
The quad was brilliant in the snow - with the boogie board on tow. 

Time to Paint the wagon

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