6 Mar 2011

Europe 2001 - 2005

Living in Hungary was an experience of a lifetime. 
Driving across the Hungarian Slovak Borders twice a day taking my son 
to school was a dedicated 180km per day spent to and from school. 
Some days I would spend the day in Bratislava and surrounds enjoying 
old buildings  in the Old Town.  The closest English speaking school
from our village is the British International School  - BIS. 
On many occasion, the School would ask me to join their class outings,
which was amazing! My "own" tour guides. Between castles,
Presidential Gardens to mention a few - simply awesome! 
The Carlton Hotel in Bratislava.
This photograph taken from the balcony of the Opera House
where Kirsten, Nina and I were.
A treat from them when they visited us in Europe!
The Presidential Gardens in Bratislava.

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