20 Feb 2011

A day in the Cape Vineyards

Jeni and I in the Winelands, Jeni tasting wines, me focusing on the vineyards, we got with the wine glasses. If you are off to the vineyards, take time to look up Boschkloof near Stellenbosch

If you are off to the vineyards, take time to look up Boschkloof near Stellenbosch, a family business that started in 1996 - the winemaker and owner is Jacques Borman
Jacque's son pouring Jeni the Cape winemakers Guild - 2006 Boschkloof CWG Conclusion Auction Reserve as well as the 2007 Auction Reserve Shiraz.

What are the chances " 10 green bottles" standing on the sill, ok I admit - greenish.

Lunch at Simonsig


Campagna Brand said...

Grey Peppa look-alike and barrels are my favourite ;-), however am liking the bread with the napkin!!

Ingrid Owen said...

Thanks :) A real Peppa look alike!